How To Transition To A Green Home
Written by Elizabeth Greene

I used to love the smell of our house on cleaning day. Floors, counters, and bathtubs sparkled and the pungent odor of Pine-Sol and Scrubbing Bubbles lingered in the air. I was in heaven!

Until one day a friend of mine who cleaned my house had to quit her business because the toxic fumes from years of cleaning were impacting her health. The cleaning products were ruining her health but what about ours?

She scrubbed the tub with chemicals and then I filled that very same basin with water and placed my children in it. Was that possibly harmful to their skin, the largest organ in their body?

Next, I turned to the floors. Scrubbed with more chemicals, my kids would crawl on them with their toys and put them in their mouths. Could that be healthy?

Lastly, could that chemical smell that I equated with “clean” actually be polluting the indoor air quality of our home?

These questions led to a realization that I should safely dispose of my harmful household cleaners immediately and find green, non-toxic cleaners that were safe for our home and family.

But with what would I replace them? I needed to know what I was looking for, so I drew up a list.


  1. Safe–This is a no-brainer. I wanted products that would not harm the health of our family.
  2. Proven–Were there third party independent tests to prove they do what the label claims?
  3. Effective–How many times have you tried a green cleaner only to throw it out because it didn’t work? If I’m going to spend all day cleaning my house, the products better work!!!
  4. Affordable–I can’t mortgage my house on green cleaners, we’ve got two in college!
  5. Eco-friendly–safe for the planet, too. Why pollute the water we drink and the streams where we fish?

Is this what you want too? If so, I’ve got good news for you! I found products that meet all the criteria.


I’ll save you some trouble by outlining the safe and effective products I found to use in our home that you can use to create a safer environment for you and your family.

I found an eco-friendly company called Shaklee that developed the first green cleaning, an earth-friendly product called Basic H2. This product went on the market in 1960, ten years before the first Earth Day. It is the mainstay of the Get Clean Product line from Shaklee. It was named the first official Earth day product in 1970 and is still recognized as the industry leader as a non-toxic, biodegradable, super-concentrated cleaner.

I figured this was a good start. But did they work? Here is what I discovered:

  1.  Basic H2 biodegradable cleaner

Basic H2  is super concentrated and can replace your all-purpose cleaner, a degreaser, and a window cleaner. It dominates grease, grime, and dirt in a thousand different ways. It is made with sustainably sourced ingredients.

It costs pennies to use! The window cleaner is so effective my house cleaner bought a bottle to use in ALL the homes she cleans…and she is thrilled to be saving hundreds of dollars a year on window cleaner alone and can’t believe how long the bottle lasts!

This product is non-toxic, has no toxic fumes or harmful chemicals, and has recyclable packaging. I feel confident I am taking care of my family’s health when I use this product.

 2. Basic G+ Germicide

Basic G+ Germicide is expected to be effective against the virus that causes COVID-19. It is a germicide registered with the EPA. You can check out the website to get more details on how to use it. Basically, you spray it on a contaminated surface, wait 5 minutes, and rinse.

I use this in all my bathrooms, tubs, showers, counters, doorknobs. I use it anywhere someone sick may have touched it. This replaces bleach products and is much healthier since it is a neutral pH germicide.

  1. Fresh Laundry Concentrate

All I can say is WOW! This Fresh Laundry Concentrate comes in both liquid and powder.

  • When used as a liquid laundry concentrate, 26% better than Method® 8X Laundry Detergent and 240% better than Whole Foods® Organic Laundry Detergent 3X.*
  • When used as a stain remover, 40% more effective than OxiClean® Versatile Stain Remover.

* Source: Sterling Laboratories. These performance comparisons were conducted on Oct.15 and Oct. 30, 2015, and are valid only for the products marketed at that time. Reconfirmed March 16, 2017. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

  1. The Nature Bright Boost is hands down the best stain remover I have ever used! In fact, my college students called me and asked me to send them the laundry concentrate and Nature Bright since it works so much better than the laundry pods on campus. And, it doesn’t have toxic chemicals that you breathe as you wear your clothes or sleep on your sheets.

I haven’t yet found a stain I can’t remove with Nature Bright. It’s now a family mission. “Mom, can you get this one out?” I always do. Check out a few of my results.

Just imagine how this would work on baseball and soccer uniforms!

As you can see, I found a line of cleaning products that are safe and free of harmful toxins, they are proven and effective, affordable and eco-friendly, and best of all, they WORK!


Since I wanted an immediate fresh start to better health, our family started with the Get Clean Starter Kit which enabled us to rid our house of all offending chemicals and start a new journey into a cleaner, greener home. We have not looked back. Check out this kit for the full line of green cleaning.

In fact, my daughter informed me after spending a week in the dorms of a college campus over the summer a few years ago that I would have to share these products with the college because she about choked to death when they poisoned (I mean cleaned) the bathrooms!

With one simple purchase of a Get Clean Starter Kit, you too can take one giant leap for your family and your planet.

  • If 1 out of 4 households switched to these super-concentrated cleaners, we would be able to eliminate more than 7 billion pounds of carbon emission each year.
  • Keep 108 pounds of packaging waste from landfills
  • Eliminate 248 pounds of greenhouse gas.

In addition to that, you will protect the health of your family by decreasing the toxins in the home.

…And save thousands of dollars on cleaning supplies.

Eco-friendly. Safe. Affordable…and they work! It is a win-win-win!


  1. Start with a Get Clean Starter Kit
  2. Box up your toxic cleaners and safely dispose of them.
  3. Enjoy cleaning with green products and a healthier home.

Check it out here.

I hope you found this helpful! I love this line so much and was referring it to so many of my friends and neighbors, I became a wellness consultant with Shaklee so I could share it with you, too.

To your good health!


Elizabeth Greene

Elizabeth Greene

Founder, Mom Matters

Elizabeth is a certified leadership coach and a mom of two college-age daughters. She invested a decade encouraging moms and teaching her kids classically at home, serving as a tutor and speaker with Classical Conversations. She has served as a MOPS mentor mom and a sought after Bible study teacher. Her passion is to coach and inspire mom with a vision of motherhood to intentionally foster her family, maximize her impact, and leave a legacy.